Payment Information

Registration fee

The registration fee depends on the time of registration. Early registration deadline is February 2, 2025, on-line (late) registration is possible till March 1, 2025, but only if space can be found. On-line registrations received after February 15, 2025, will be processed at the on-site rate. On-site registrations can be made at the conference registration desk if space is still available.


The fee schedule, in EUR, is as follows:

Single room € 650 € 700 € 725
Shared room € 500 € 550 € 575
Only meals (no dinners) € 350 € 375 € 400
One day (no dinner) € 250 € 275 € 300

Note: For a “Shared room” you can book a room for 2 persons that will be shared. Assignment of rooms is on the basis of first-come-first-serve.


Payment can be done upon registration. Note that payment costs will be added to the above mentioned fees, depending on the payment method used:

  • Ideal: € 0.35 per transion
  • CC and Paypal: 3.9% per transaction
  • Bank transfer: 3.0% per transaction with a maximum of € 30.-