Call For Papers
Abstract Submission
Each submission consists of a one page abstract of the contribution and must be headed with the title, the names and affiliations of the authors, and the complete mailing address (including electronic mail address) of the corresponding author. We use web based on-line electronic submissions of contributed abstracts. The electronic submission procedure consists of filling out the electronic Abstract Submission. For each contributed abstract this form must be completed and submitted electronically. Only electronic submissions are accepted.
Details for the preparation of the abstracts can be found in the Authors' Kit. We strongly suggest following the instructions on that page. We emphasize that for all contributed abstracts, the Submission Form must be filled out to make your submission formal. The deadline for receipt of contributed abstracts is January 12, 2024 January 19, 2024.
Special Sessions
Proposals for Special Sessions consisting of four or five contributions centered around a specific topic are also solicited. Special Session proposals should be sent by e-mail to before the initial submission deadline of contributed abstracts (January 12, 2024 January 19, 2024). Each individual abstract in a Special Session proposal must be submitted via completion of the Submission Form as well.
Decisions on the conference program will be made by the Editors of the Organizing Committee. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their abstract. Final versions of the abstracts are due February 9, 2024. Abstracts will be included in a “Book of Abstracts” which will be distributed at the conference and will also be available on the web.